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Pilar W.

Sociology & Social Studies (University) Statistics (AP)
Education and
work experience
  • PhD (candidate) in Sociology, Cambridge University
  • MPhil in Sociology and Demography, Oxford University
  • MSc in Sociology, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile
  • Supervisor for Undergraduate Students, Department of Sociology University of Cambridge
  • Research Assistant, University of Oxford 

About me


Top university graduate

I was a Sociologist and MSc in Sociology (PUC). I worked for four years in the dept of sociology (PUC) as a junior lecturer, dissertation supervisor and researcher. I imparted lectures on social theory, statistics and research methodology. I did an MPhil in Sociology and Demography at Oxford University and worked as a research assistant. I started a PhD in Sociology at the U. of Cambridge. During these years, I have worked as a supervisor for undergraduate students and demonstrator for statistical courses (using STATA). My expertise is in quantitative research and demography.

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