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Yolanda Z.

Education / Training (University) G5 University Admissions IELTS Linguistics (University) PhD Admissions
Education and
work experience
  • Education, University of Oxford
  • Applied Linguistics, Cambridge University
  • English Teacher, Guangdong Industry Polytechnics

About me


Top university graduate

Completed my bachelor degree in China, I was similar to many of you who dream of studying at top universities in the world. As a DIYer, I received offers from Oxbridge in both master and PhD applications. I completed my MPhil in Applied Linguistics in Cambridge University and PhD in Education in Oxford University. I have two years full-time teaching experience in China and I have worked in different types of companies in China, Australia and the UK alongside my study. I have rich tutoring experience. If you are looking for someone to help you apply to your dream universities, make the most of your student life or even plan ahead for your career, I am sure I can help.

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