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Alissa G.
10+ years experience
Chinese (A Level) English for Academic Purposes (EAP) English Language (GCSE)
I am a fully qualified teacher of English and Mandarin. I have over 25 years of teaching experience in both Asia and the UK. I can teach English...
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Business & Management Studies (University) Business Studies (A Level) Business Studies (GCSE)
An exceptional online Business and Economics Tutor, I typically I tutor up to 20 students throughout the academic year predominantly in "A" level...
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Guanhong X.
IELTS Expert
IELTS General English/TEFL
 I hold a Master of Translation with Business Interpreting from the University of Bath, a program that has not only enhanced my language skills...
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With more than 5 years of teaching experience in IELTS and primary to high school general English & grammar, I have worked with students from...
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Lydia B.
Interactive teaching style
G5 University Admissions General English/TEFL
I am a first class Cambridge graduate, specialising in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies - Japanese with Chinese. I am eager to assist young people...
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Caroline A.
Experienced subject teacher
IELTS General English/TEFL
I am a native English speaker from the UK.   I have worked in education for over 12 years, teaching a wide range of students, from age...
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Antao Y.
Clear explanations
Experienced subject teacher
Interactive teaching style
MAT (Mathematics Admission Test) Mathematics (University) Maths (A Level)
I graduated from Imperial College London with a first honour MSci degree in Mathematics. I am mainly interested in Pure Maths, especially number...
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David Y.
Top university graduate
Biology (AP) Calculus Ab & Bc (AP) Chemistry (AP)
Hi! I was born and raised in Toronto, Canada and I've studied internationally for my post-secondary education. I'm currently a 3rd year Ph.D....
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John M.
Clear explanations
Experienced subject teacher
Experienced with international students
IELTS General English/TEFL Key Stage 2
Retired specialist teacher offering English tutoring I teach English language from primary up to GCSE level. I teach most of the English Literature...
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