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ngành kiến ​​​​trúc Ngành kiến trúc Nghệ thuật & Thiết kế Built Environment (University) Career CV and Cover Letter Nhóm trường G5 Nhóm trường Ivy League
Education and
work experience
  • ELISAVA School of Engineering and Design AA Dipl
  • Architectural Association School of Architecture MScAAD, GSAPP
  • Columbia University of New York RMIT, PhD Candidate

About me


Experienced subject teacher Interactive teaching style

Anna Pla-Català graduated at the Architectural Association School of Architecture in London and holds a Master of Science in Advanced Architectural Design from the Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation (MScAAD-GSAPP) from Columbia University of New York (Fulbright-LaCaixa). Worked at Foster+Partners and Eisenman Architects. Received a Marie Curie Research Grant and is current PhD candidate at RMIT. She is faculty member at AA School of Architecture, IAAC, ADDA_Master in Advanced Design and Digital Architecture and Visiting Lecturer at PennDesign. Has taught at a wide variety of international schools including Berlage Institute, UIC, and GSD-Harvard among others.

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